
Contents: Introduction Part I Critical Political Economy: Introduction Urban planning in theory and practice: a reappraisal, A.J. Scott and S.T. Roweis The thesis of capitalist underdevelopment, AndrA(c) Gunder Frank New debates in urban planning: the impact of Marxist theory in the United States, Norman I. Fainstein and Susan S. Fainstein On planning the ideology of planning, David Harvey In search of a spatial order, Christine M. Boyer The kind of problem a city is, Jane Jacobs Dilemmas of equity planning: a personal memoir, Norman Krumholz The recovery of territorial life, John Friedmann and Clyde Weaver. Part II The Turn to Diversity: Introduction Postmodernism and planning, M.J. Dear Between modernity and postmodernity: the ambiguous position of US planning, R.A. Beauregard Feminist theory and planning theory: the epistemological linkages, Leonie Sandercock and Ann Forsyth Planning history and the black urban experience: linkages and contemporary implications, June Manning Thomas Planning and social control: exploring the dark side, Oren Yiftachel Planning, Peter Marris Environmental ethics and the field of planning: alternative theories and middle-range principles, Timothy Beatley The historical roots of ecological modernisation, Maarten A. Hajer. Part III Critical Pragmatism: Introduction From technical rationality to reflection-in-action, Donald Schon Understanding planning practice: an empirical, practical and normative account, John Forester A classical liberal (libertarian) approach to planning theory, Thomas L. Harper and Stanley M. Stein Pragmatic rationality and planning theory, Niraj Verma A pragmatic inquiry about planning and power, Charles Hoch Aristotle, Foucault and progressive phronesis: outline of an applied ethics for sustainable development, Bent Flyvbjerg Name index.

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