
Energy produced through biomass, when produced in an efficient and sustainable way, generates a series of environmental, economic and social benefits when compared to the use of fossil fuels. Benefits such as better land management, job creation, efficient use of agricultural areas, provision of modern energy vectors to rural communities, reduction of CO2 emissions, waste control and nutrient recycling can be highlighted. This paper discusses the contributions of energy co-generation, from biomass, to the supplementation of electric energy, reduction of environmental impacts and generation of employment. The aim was to understand the impact of public policies to increase the efficiency of the sugar-energy sector and if there was an increase in employment and manpower in the field, as well as reduction of environmental impacts by reducing the consumption of other less renewable sources of energy within the State from São Paulo. In order to carry out this study, it was necessary to analyze the social, economic and agronomic indicators and the energy plans that aim at the development of the sector, such as the National Energy Plan and the Paulista Energy Plan.

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