
Corruption in South Africa has reached alarming proportions. According to former president Thabo Mbeki, it is ‘incumbent on government unequivocally to affirm its seriousness and desire to stamp out corruption’, but this becomes a challenge when the government itself engages in corrupt practices. The effects of corruption are manifold and can culminate in state capture, where a government’s decision-making is influenced by corrupt, politically connected elite, and political and statutory powers misused to maintain a symbiosis of self-enrichment. There is little doubt that political corruption leads to inefficiencies in the public service, hinders entrepreneurship and the creation of wealth, and generally has a negative impact on social, political and economic development. This chapter outlines some of the most significant corruption scandals in the public and private sector, emerging from the brink of a shadow state to acts of impunity all under the behest of political actors who were interested in self-enrichment and power preservation.

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