
The presented article is aimed at disclosing the features of poetic conceptualization of political concepts in the poetry of famous English Romantic – Samuel Taylor Coleridge. The research is based on the cognitivediscursive approach and involves the application of research tools of cognitive poetics, cognitive stylistics, cultural and literary studies, which builds a vector of analysis from the concept as a social phenomenon to its embodiment, explicit and implicit, by the diversity of textual aesthetic resources at diff erent levels of textual matter. Artistic actualization of political notions in Coleridge’s poetic discourse is based on the textual system of poetic concepts “state/native land”, “society”, “war”, “enemy” positioned by the author in the center of artistic refl ection and synthesizing the appropriate social pragmatics. Key words: Samuel Taylor Coleridge, literary/artistic concept, English Romanticism, artistic conceptualization, English poetry

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