
The paper is devoted to the main principles of the political and legal transformation of the economy in the doctrine of Cuban socialism. Cuban socialism itself is threefold: a socio-political system, a social movement, and a political and legal doctrine. The paper highlights the backbone importance of the economy as an object of political and legal transformations, focuses on the special flexibility of the corresponding concept, which made it possible, in a situation of limited natural resources and a large-scale economic blockade, to find many correct solutions to the tasks set. The author describes modern fundamental principles of economic construction that serve as a guideline for making both today’s political and economic decisions, and for determining the economic strategy of the future.An economic agenda in the political and legal doctrine of Cuban socialism at all times was of a system-forming nature, being one of the main components, relying on which this doctrine could explain the most complex political and legal processes of the present and illuminate the horizons of the future. The flexibility of economic thought inherent to the Cuban revolutionaries in synthesis with its deep value orientation, made it possible in the most difficult conditions of the economic blockade to make right decisions and confidently move forward. Due to this circumstance, Cuban socialism as a social system has shown amazing stability for more than six decades, changing and transforming in accordance with the requirements of the time and a rapidly changing world reality. At present, the economic doctrine of the Island of Freedom continues its modification and enrichment, finding more and more effective, comprehensive and systemic solutions in response to the global challenges of our time generated by the stormy waves of the 21st century.

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