
There is an increasing interest in optimizing sport talent development. One of the crucial factors that influence all talented athletes throughout their careers is the quality and the appropriateness of the coaching environment. Numerous research show that specific needs are associated with culture. The purpose of the study was to determine crucial factors of effective talent deve-lopment environment and to adapt and verify psychometric properties of the Talent Deve-lopment Environment Questionnaire (Martindale et al., 2010). In the group of 496 athletes (Ma-ge=19.32, Nfemale=181, Nmale=315) analyses were conducted to adapt and verify psychome-tric properties of the scale measuring sport talent development environment. Factor analysis showed that in polish context the six-factor model (loads from 0.35 to 0.67) was more suitable. The extracted factors were: Communication, Lack of Supporting Environment, Support Ne-twork, Individualized Approach to Athlete, Understanding the Athlete, Long-term Development Fundamentals. All factors were associated with self-efficacy and self-esteem of the athletes. The authors of the original model suggested that there could be context-specific requirements within a talent development, what was confirmed in this study. This is particularly important for practi-tioners, for whom the coach-athlete cooperation has international basis.

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