
This bibliography is intended to comprise all translations of Polish plays into English executed up to the time of going to press (April, 1964). Since a considerable portion of them have not appeared m print, and then existence is not widely known, certain omissions are inevitable. It has been decided to include all known translations, even if the availability of some cannot be established at present. Most, however, are available from publishers, and in the case of unpublished material, from persons in dicated. Some addresses may not be valid, but this should affect only a small minority. The known theatre and radio productions have been listed wherever possible, but the list cannot be regarded as in any way complete. Readers are invited to send in additions and corrections to this bibliography for inclusion in a supplement at a later date. The bibliography is designed mainly for persons taking an active in terest m Polish drama and theatre. 1 have listed fragmentary translations, if they are of sufficient length (at least an act) and importance. For short and minor fragments, and for a fuller list of articles etc. about some of the authors and plays contained in my bibliography, I would direct the reader to the recently published bibliography Polish Literature in English Translation, compiled by Marion M. Coleman, particularly valuable with regard to classical authors. A copy of it reached me when my work had virtually been completed but 1 was able to base on it some half a dozen entries overlooked in my researches. 1 wish to express my thanks to all authors, translators and others who responded to my enquiries, to the editors who inserted advertisements, and to the Staff of the Polish Library in London for their assistance in the preparation of this bibliography. In particular I wish to acknowledge my gratitude to the late Mrs. Janina Zabielska, and to Dr. Maria Danile wicz for their advice. 1 am greatly indebted, too, to Professor Ludwik Krzyzanowski without whose encouragement the bibliography may never have been completed, and who helped me considerably in the find stages. The bibliography is divided into three sections, the authors arranged alphabetically within each section. All plays are in prose, unless marked otherwise. The following abbreviations are used throughout: trans. ? translated; pub. ? published; orig. ? originally; sc. ? scene; symh ? symbolic; mod. ? modern; hist. ? historic; MS ? manuscript/typescript; C. ? century; supers ? supernumerary actors (extras).

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