
Objective: To assess knowledge, attitude and practice (KAP) about poliomyelitis(polio) vaccination in District Abbottabad, province Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KPK), Pakistan,to identify reasons of failure of polio vaccination/ eradication campaign and to makerecommendations in the light of the study. Setting: District Abbottabad, province KPK, Pakistanincluding both urban and rural areas. Period: Three months from 1st June to 31st August2012. Methods: This cross-sectional descriptive explorative study was conducted in DistrictAbbottabad, of province KPK, Pakistan. A structured questionnaire was submitted to people inthe urban and rural population using convenient sampling. Out of 200, only 142 questionnaireswere filled by interviewing parents and guardians of the children followed by focused groupdiscussions with the community heads and the parents of the children. Results: Majority(61.78%) of respondents were of low income category with the mean age of 31 years. Amongstthose (75%) were earning Rs.7,000-12,000 per month. Literacy rate was low with 45.77%. Outof which 40.67% fathers and 59.33% mothers were illiterate. Therefore a few respondentswere aware about the mode of transmission of polio. Majority (80%) said that polio could beprevented by polio drops and about 86% said that this vaccine had no side effects. About45% respondents refused to cooperate with polio teams, and 28% respondents believed, thatAbbottabad Operation had bad effect on anti-polio campaign. Regarding the use of boileddrinking water, 95.8% respondents knew that it was good for health. While only 4.20% were usingboiled water for drinking. Advice of the health professionals (69.71%) and other family members(7.74%) was respected in making health care decisions, therefore it was an opportunity forthe government to involve these persons as well as media men in conveying message to thecommunity to achieve ultimate goal of polio free Pakistan. Conclusions: Unawareness amongthe population of District Abbottabad, especially the knowledge about the disease, mode oftransmission and its prevention are the most deficient areas. Secondly misconceptions aboutthe nature of polio drops, and religious misinterpretations in masses, created by general publicand religious leaders, are the major obstacles in the real success of vaccination campaign.

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