
Public view of domestic violence has been undergoing a paradigm shift from previously considered private problem to a public issue. Thus, government interventions in this area are badly needed. This study aimed to (1) describe the expectations of women victims of domestic violence to public organizations; (2) Supports and barriers of prevention and management of domestic violence, and (3) determine the strategy and implementation of prevention and services to women victims of domestic violence associated with gender fairness. This is a qualitative study using phenomenological approach. The research location was in Jember Regency, East Java Province, Indonesia. The results showed that women victims of domestic violence expected all parties respect the decisions on wanting to divorce with their husbands who had been violent. The forms of respect were the facilitation and acceleration of the process of divorce either in scope of the institution where the husband/women worked, the prosecutor and the court. Meanwhile, Jember Regency government supports through local legislation, Regent’s Decree/Regulation on the establishment of the Integrated Service Center for Regency Level, Complaint Post at District level and Griya Asih (Home for Service) at Village/administrative village level. Similarly, the supports are given through 12 organizations/ government agencies/bodies and 3 NGOs on women's empowerment, including the protection of women and children. However, these activities still experience some constraints in structure level, patriarchal culture, personality, interpretation of religious teachings and systems of regulation. Furthermore, the strategy and implementation of services to women victims of domestic violence associated with gender kesataraan is by top down and bottom up approach. Keywords: Government, Women, Violence

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