
Background: Overuse and underuse of health care services are progressively recognized in all health systems around the world. There is evidence of overuse and underuse of health care services in Iran. In this study, it was aimed to summarize the evidence of overuse and underuse of health care services in the Iranian health care system. Methods: This study will be conducted in 5 steps using a sequential explanatory multimethod design, literature review, systematic review, qualitative interview, expert panel, and policy Delphi method. This study was approved by Tabriz University of Medical Sciences (ethical confirmation number: IR.TBZMED.REC.1396.908). Conclusion: There is a strong evidence of worldwide overuse and underuse of health care services. Designing context-based prevention strategies by conducting comprehensive and systematic studies will improve the appropriate use of routine services and help patients, physicians, and providers make evidence-based decisions.

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