
The challenge of increasing food production, in the context vertical expansion through improved productivity per unit of land area under the situation of adapting to the changing climatic conditions that impose water scarcity and Green House Gases (GHG) emissions from the rice fields. Many research findings showed that SRI method outperforming in terms of yield and reduction in cost of cultivation along with several perceived ecosystem benefits. Finally, the researchers suggest for further promotion and scaling up of the SRI method in suitable regions of India is highly imperative. SRI is knowledge and experience-based method of rice production than input centric technology. The SRI method has been piloted in most of the countries and a section of farmers realized its full or partial potential but they are reluctant to spread their success with their fellow farmers. It is right time to undertake a few studies by the behavioural scientists to nudge this innovative method of SRI among farmers to the niche paddy growing areas. Grain yields reported from field experiments carried out in different parts of India showed yield increases ranging from 9.3% to 68% as compared with conventional practice. The Ministry of Agriculture that included SRI as part of the National Food Security Mission in 133 food-insecure districts. The research wing of SAU should evolve new or modify the available transplanters and weeders for the exclusive mechanization under SRI method. The beneficial effects of SRI like water-saving, use of less inputs and reaping higher benefits by SRI technology should be made aware among farmers through demonstration. The scaling up of SRI needs to be buoyed out by the joint efforts of State Agricultural University Researchers, ministry of Extension personnel’s, not for profit organizations with farmers. Upscaling of SRI strategy will help achieve national as well as household food-security. This paper clearly describes the role of every institutional responsibility in reaching the unreached.

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