
The government made the re-arrangement of government affairs at the Act of 23 Year 2014 about Local Government, The aim of set government affairs directly by the Act of 23 Year 2014 is to provide a stronger legal status, creating an effective and efficient system, and harmonize the sectoral development between. government affairs in the secondary education is one of the government affairs wich transnferred from City/Regency Government to the Provincial Government.Papua Province that has special autonomy act must also fulfill the mandate of the Act proficiency level. From the results of research conducted by the author with qualitative methods regarding how the implementation of of transfer management authority of secondary education in Papua Province discovered the fact that there are still some problems in the implementation of this policy, the central government does not pay attention to the fact that the government of the Papua Province has a special autonomy that made it has different format setting from other Province in Indonesia, especialy related to the relationship of authority between the provincial government and the Regency/City, the Ministry of Home Affairs has made several efforts to make this policy could work properly. The effort is in the form of monitoring and evaluation at each stage of the process of this policy implementation, and made some Circular Letter of Ministry of Home Affairs which can serve as guidelines and guidance for Provincial and Regency/City in order to the success of this policyKey Word: Transfering Government Affaris, Asymmetric Decentralization, The Local Work Unit.

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