
REVIEW QUESTION/OBJECTIVE The objective of this systematic review is to identify policies related to age-friendly cities, and to establish the impact of age-friendly policies on psychosocial wellbeing and quality of life for older adults living in inner city environs. INCLUSION CRITERIA Types of participants The participants of interest will be older adults as defined by the WHO criteria ageing, and who live in an inner city context. Phenomena of interest The phenomena of interest are the experiences that impact quality of life and psychosocial wellbeing attributable to policies that initiate, promote or enhance an 'age-friendly' city living for older adults. Phenomena associated with impact on the lives of older adults, or impact on the perspectives of the wider local community will also be included where available. Context The context is focused on establishing what policy imperatives are associated with an age-friendly city plan. This includes both western and eastern perspectives, and all geographic/cultural regions provided there are accessible policy documents that relate to inner city living. The context may be expressed through changes in policy, in design or development, changes in cultural policy or perspectives on being aged and living in an inner city environment, and empowerment of older adults living in an inner city environment.

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