
Polgar 1:Iron Age settlement (3 rd century BC) . The Celtic settlement at Polgar was an open rural settlement. This type is generally considered to have agricultural features, which, however, cannot be supported by finds. On the contrary, the clay tuyere found in feature no. 100 and the soot layer that covered the floor of building no. 318 attest to industrial activities. The composition of the find material shows an absolute dominance of pottery sherds. According to the analysis, pottery vessels that can be linked with the so-called Scythian autochthonous population of the Great Hungarian Plain can also be found beside La Tene ceramic types. Accordingly, the survival of the former population and its amalgamation with the immigrant Celts can be supposed. This find situation is basically identical to the archaeological picture of the settlement uncovered at Sajopetri. This is reinforced by the fact that both settlements were established in the LT B2 period and both were peacefully abandoned by the inhabita...

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