
The article deals with the polemic with the ideas of Leo Tolstoy in the novel by Marina Stepnova Garden in the context of the estate text of Russian literature. This controversy is associated with the crisis of literary centrism, characteristic of the literary process of the late 20th – early 21st centuries and touches upon a complex of key themes and problems for Tolstoy’s works: the problem of personality formation, the theme of ancestral memory, “family thought” and “folk thought”. On the one hand, through the entire novel, the thought about the falsity of those ideas, attitudes, traditions that are formed in Russian classical literature, about the primacy of sensory experience, is carried out. On the other hand, the polemical disclosure of “folk thought” in the novel leads to the formation of opposition between the nobility and the people, and the author’s sympathies are given to representatives of the nobility, and therefore to the noble culture. The choice of a noble estate as a key spatial location in which the novel takes place is not accidental. Thus, the entire semantic complex of the manor text of Russian literature is involved in polemics, which organizes the ideological space of the novel.

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