
Motivation:Elucidating protein function is a central problem in biochemistry, genetics, and molecular biology. Developing computational methods for protein function prediction is critical due to the significant gap between sequence and functional data. Recent advances in protein structure prediction, which strongly correlates with function, make it feasible to use structure to predict function. However, current structure-based methods overlook the fact that individual residues may contribute differently to the protein’s function and do not take into account the correlation between protein residues and their functions. The challenge of effectively utilizing the relationship between protein residues and function-level information to predict protein function remains unsolved. Result:We proposed a protein function prediction method based on Soft Mask Graph Networks and Residue-Label Attention (POLAT), which could combine sequence features, predicted structure features, and function-level information to get an accurate prediction. We use soft mask graph networks to adaptively extract the residues relevant to functions. A residue-label attention mechanism is adopted to obtain the protein-level encoded features of a protein, which are then concatenated with a protein-level embedding and fed into a dense classifier to determine the probabilities of each function. POLAT achieves 0.670, 0.515, 0.578 Fmax and 0.677, 0.409, 0.507 AUPR on the PDB cdhit test set for the MFO, BPO, and CCO domains, respectively, outperforming the existing structure-based SOTA method GAT-GO (Fmax 0.633, 0.492, 0.547; AUPR 0.660, 0.381, 0.479). POLAT is also competitive in extensive experiments among sequence-based and multimodal methods and achieves the SOTA performance in three out of six metrics.

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