
Abstract–Time‐resolved fluorescence spectra in the ps time range were measured on phycobilisome (PBS) embedded in poly(vinyl alcohol) films. The cyanobacterium Tolypothrix tenuis was used as a source of PBS because the pigment composition and the structure of the PBS are well defined. Isotropic PBS in the unstretched film and PBS uniaxially oriented in the stretched film were investigated. Diameters of PBS hemidiscs were oriented parallel to the film‐stretching direction. The time‐resolved fluorescence spectra of the unstretched sample and of the two polarized components in the stretched samples showed several differences in the rise and decay. The delay time, estimated from the time span between the maximum laser pulse and maximal intensity of the phycocyanin and allophycocyanin fluorescence, was much longer than that reported in the aqueous media. This suggests occurrence of a higher thermal deactivation of PBS in polymer film than in aqueous media. The excitation energy transfer from excited phycocrythrin to allophycocyanin was more efficient in the unstretched than in the stretched samples, and it was greater in the parallel polarized component of the stretched sample than in the perpendicular component. The present results are in agreement with a previous suggestion which states that there are two independent pathways of excitation energy transfer in PBS and that there is more than one final emitter of fluorescence. The molecules taking part in various pathways of energy transfer differ in their orientation within PBS.

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