
Various in situ measurements of the light‐scattering diagram in ice clouds were performed with a new nephelometer during several airborne campaigns. These measurements were favorably compared with a theoretical scattering model called Inhomogeneous Hexagonal Monocrystal (IHM) model. This model consists in computing the scattering of light by an ensemble of randomly oriented hexagonal ice crystals containing spherical impurities of soot and air bubbles. It is achieved by using a combination of ray tracing, Mie theory, and Monte Carlo techniques and enables to retrieve the six independent elements of the scattering matrix. This good agreement between nephelometer measurements and IHM model provides an opportunity to use this model in order to analyze ADEOS‐POLDER total and polarized reflectance measurements over ice clouds. POLDER uses an original concept to observe ice cloud properties, enabling to measure reflectances and polarized reflectances, for a given scene, under several (up to 14) viewing directions. A first analysis of ice cloud spherical albedoes over the terrestrial globe for November 10, 1996, and April 23, 1997, shows a rather good agreement between measurements and modeling. Moreover, polarized reflectances are also calculated and show a satisfactory agreement with measurements.

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