
It is often desirable that a phase conjugate mirror be able to correct for polarization distortions in addition to correcting for wavefront aberrations. Such a device is called a vector phase conjugate mirror. It has been predicted within the context of the third-order theory that vector phase conjugation can be achieved by degenerate four-wave mixing using atomic two-photon transitions between S-states.1 We recently developed a theory of the polarization properties of two-photon resonantly enhanced degenerate four-wave mixing which can treat saturation effects due to pump waves.2 Our results show that for the case of linear and parallel pump wave polarizations, vector phase conjugation occurs with high quality and high reflectivity for two-photon transitions for which the nonresonant Stark shift is very small. We have also found that for the case of circular and counterrotating pump wave polarizations, perfect vector phase conjugation occurs for equal pump wave intensities. We have studied experimentally the effects of saturation and Stark shifts for S → S two-photon transitions of atomic sodium. We have found that high fidelity vector phase conjugation can be obtained.

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