
The protons in water ice are subject to so called \emph{ice rules} resulting in an extensive ground state degeneracy. We study how an external electric field reduces this ground state degeneracy in hexagonal water ice I$_h$ within a minimal model. We observe polarization plateaus when the field is aligned along the $[001]$ and $[010]$ directions. In each case, one plateau occurs at intermediate polarization with reduced but still extensive degeneracy. The remaining ground states can be mapped to dimer models on the honeycomb and the square lattice, respectively. Upon tilting the external field, we observe an order-disorder transition of Kasteleyn type into a plateau at saturated polarization and vanishing entropy. This transition is investigated analytically using the Kasteleyn matrix and numerically using a modified directed-loop Monte Carlo simulation. The protons in both cases exhibit algebraically decaying correlations. Moreover, the features of the static structure factor are discussed.

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