
The article deals with the problem of the transformation of socio-cultural development of Russia in the context of globalization changes in the world development. The search for the possibility of combining the universalization and localization of the transformation processes of geocultural space, actualizing the problems of intercultural interaction, influencing the content and forms of transformation. The main attention is paid to the analysis of the most significant approaches to the problem of understanding geoculture, local conditions of transformation of socio-cultural space. From a methodological point of view, the use of the civilizational approach makes it possible to identify the specifics of the socio-cultural development of local communities, to trace the interrelationships, the relationship of general civilizational universals and local identity. The use of the geocultural paradigm of explaining and understanding the state of the world socio-cultural development contributes to solving the problem of the correlation of locality and globality, achieving a balance of trust and cooperation in international relations based on a respectful dialogue. As a basic conclusion, we note that two trends are being formed, two multidirectional vectors of movement in the development of the geocultural situation are being established. On the one hand, there is a process of forming models of socio-cultural behavior depending on the resources and technologies available to the community, expressed in an attempt to preserve the traditional way of life. On the other hand, in their development, local communities are subject to the general laws of transformation in the context of global and regional restructuring. These models of socio-cultural behavior unite communities in a specific socio-territorial location.

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