
Polarized two-dimensional white-light (2D-WL) spectra are reported for thin films of semiconducting carbon nanotubes. The orientational responses for 4-point correlation functions are derived for samples that are isotropic in two dimensions. Spectra measured using ⟨−45°,+45°,0°,90°⟩ polarizations eliminate the diagonal peaks in the spectra arising from S1 transitions to uncover cross peaks to a weaker transition that is assigned to radial breathing modes. In nanotubes purified by unwrapping PFO-BPY polymer using metal chelation, an absorption at 1160 nm is observed that is assigned to hole doping that forms trions. The trion peak may have a transition dipole nonparallel to the S1 transitions, and so its cross peak is prominent in polarized 2D-WL spectra. Energy transfer of photoexcitons to the trion peak occurs within 1 ps. Identifying and understanding the effects of purification on the electronic structure of thin films of semiconducting carbon nanotubes is important for learning how the inherent photop...

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