
SUMMARY To summarise, since the last Conference /7/, a number of new practical techniques have been proposed or developed which should improve our ability to obtain, measure and predict electron spin polarization and to obtain longitudinal polarization. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors wish to thank Prof. Dr. G.-A. Voss for his continuous encouragement and many helpful discussions and contributions. REFERENCES /1/ HERA Proposal, DESY Report 81-10 (1981) /2/ Sokolov A.A. and Ternov I.M., Sov.Phys.Dok1. 8 (1964) 1203 /3/ Chao A.W., Nucl. Inst. Meth. 180 (1981) 29 Chao A.W., in Physics of ~i~hxergy Particle Accelerators, R.A. Carrigan, ed. American Institute of Physics, (Number 87) New York 1982 /4/ Barber D.P. et-al., DESY Report 83-065 (1983) /5/ Bremer H.D. et.al., The PETRA Polarirneter, in High Energy Physics with Polarized Beams and Polarized Targets, the Proceedings of Lausanne Conference 1980, Exoerientia Su~olementum

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