
Quantum-chemistry-based many-body polarizable and two-body nonpolarizable atomic force fields were developed for alkyl nitrate liquids and pentaerythritol tetranitrate (PETN) crystal. Bonding, bending, and torsional parameters, partial charges, and atomic polarizabilities for the polarizable force field were determined from gas-phase quantum chemistry calculations for alkyl nitrate oligomers and PETN performed at the MP2/aug-cc-pvDz level of theory. Partial charges for the nonpolarizable force field were determined by fitting the dipole moments and electrostatic potential to values for PETN molecules in the crystal phase obtained from molecular dynamics simulations using the polarizable force field. Molecular dynamics simulations of alkyl nitrate liquids and two polymorphs of PETN crystal demonstrate the ability of the quantum-chemistry-based force fields to accurately predict thermophysical and mechanical properties of these materials.

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