
The effect of spontaneous decay on the linear polarizability of an atom is typically included by adding imaginary parts to the frequency denominators that appear in the Kramers-Heisenberg formula. It has been shown for a two-level atom with radiative broadening that these (frequency-dependent) imaginary parts must be included in both the resonant and antiresonant frequency denominators [P. W. Milonni and R. W. Boyd, Phys. Rev. A 69, 023814 (2004)]; however, the expression obtained by Milonni and Boyd for the polarizability does not satisfy the optical theorem, if contributions from non-rotating-wave terms are included. In this paper, we derive a more accurate expression for the polarizability. The calculations are rather complicated and require that we go beyond the standard Weisskopf-Wigner approximation. We present calculations carried out in both the Heisenberg and Schr\odinger pictures, since they offer complementary methods for understanding the dynamics of the Rayleigh scattering associated with the atomic polarizability. Moreover, it is shown that the shifts associated with the excited state are not the Lamb shifts of an isolated atom, but depend on the dynamics of the atom-field interaction. Our results for the polarizability are consistent with those obtained recently by Loudon and Barnett using a Green's-function approach.

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