
Using electric dipoles to describe light-matter interactions between two entities is a conventional approximation in physics, chemistry, and material sciences. However, the lack of material structures makes the approximation inadequate when the size of an entity is comparable to the spatial extent of electromagnetic fields or the distance between two entities. In this study, we develop a unified theory of radiative and non-radiative resonance energy transfer based on transition current density in a theoretical framework of macroscopic quantum electrodynamics. The proposed theory allows us to describe polariton-assisted resonance energy transfer between two entities with arbitrary material structures in spatially dependent vacuum electric fields. To demonstrate the generality of the proposed theory, we rigorously prove that our theory can cover the main results of the transition density cube method and the plasmon-coupled resonance energy transfer. We believe that this study opens a promising direction for exploring light-matter interactions beyond the scope of electric dipoles and provides new insights into material physics.

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