
We extend the notion of polar duality to pairs (ℓ,ℓ′) of transversal Lagrangian planes in the standard symplectic space. (R2n,ω). This allows us to show that polar duality has a natural symplectic interpretation. Our main results are the following: we first show that the oblique projections Ωℓ and Ωℓ′ on ℓ and ℓ′ of a centrally symmetric convex body Ω containing a symplectic ball with radius one satisfy the duality relation Ωℓo⊂Ωℓ′. We thereafter show that if, conversely, (Ωℓ,Ωℓ′)⊂ℓ×ℓ′ is such that Ωℓo=Ωℓ′ then Ωℓ and Ωℓ′ are the projections of a symplectic ball with radius one which is the John ellipsoid of Ωℓ×Ωℓ′o. We apply these results to the quantum principle of indeterminacy, which contains as a particular case the usual uncertainty principle.

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