
The paper deals with the electromagnetic theory of longitudinal and normal incidence polar magnetooptical Kerr effects (MOKE) in sandwich structures consisting of a magnetic film on a thick magnetic substrate separated by a nonmagnetic spacer. These structures are employed in fundamental studies of magnetic exchange coupling, tunnel magnetoresistance, spin polarized current,etc., as well as in the design of the magnetoelectronic devices,e.g., magnetic random access memories. The results are expressed in terms of the Jones reflection matrix. This makes the analysis of the observed MOKE in various experimental set-ups easier. To first order in off-diagonal elements of the permittivity tensor, the analytical expressions approximate the results obtained using rigorous matrix formalisms with a little loss in accuracy, provided the magnetooptical effects quadratic in the offdiagonal elements are negligible. The total MOKE is expressed as a a sum of components originating from magnetic film and magnetic substrate, respectively. The components enter the analytical expressions with different phases and may be identified separately by a proper control of the polarization state and photon energy of the incident radiation, angle of incidence, nonmagnetic spacer thickness, and radiation wavelength. The formulae are derived without any restriction on the magnetic film thickness. However, for a rapid evaluation of the trends the MOKE response is also treated under the assumption that the thickness of the magnetic film is much smaller than the radiation wavelength.

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