
The case of intolerance in the educational environment has recently become increasingly unsettling. This problem threatens the integrity of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI). For that we need a special approach or pattern in preventing the development of intolerance in the educational environment. Tolerance education must be strengthened, especially in the school environment. Tolerance education is actually practiced in the learning process and outside the classroom so that it becomes school culture. Tolerance education must be broad, not only covering internal tolerance of Muslims but also between religious communities. The purpose of this study was to determine the pattern of cultivating tolerance through multicultural-based social interactions among Muslim and non-Muslim students. This type of research is field research (field research) with a qualitative approach with Muslim and non-Muslim student respondents in Elementary School (SD) N 13 Argamakmur. Based on the results of the study, it is known that the application of the value of tolerance carried out by teachers in schools, especially Islamic religious education teachers in the learning process through an attitude that is able to understand the differences by placing in the position of each student, is able to generate mutual respect between one another. The habituation process that is pressed directly and intensively can create positive habits towards students. Students can view each other positively even though they have a religion, ethnicity, race, ethnicity and customs that are different from others.


  • ABSTRAK: Kasus intoleransi di lingkungan pendidikan akhir-akhir semakin meresahkan

  • increasingly unsettling. This problem threatens the integrity of the Unitary State of the Republic

  • Tolerance education is actually practiced in the learning process

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ABSTRAK: Kasus intoleransi di lingkungan pendidikan akhir-akhir semakin meresahkan. Masalah ini mengancam keutuhan Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia (NKRI). Untuk itu perlu pendekatan atau pola khusus dalam mencegah berkembangnya intoleransi di lingkungan pendidikan. Pendidikan toleransi sejatinya dipraktikkan dalam proses pembelajaran maupun di luar kelas sehingga menjadi budaya sekolah.

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