
Elastic constants and the Poisson ratio of the fcc hard-sphere crystalline phases, free of defects and with vacancies, are determined by two Monte Carlo methods: (i) the analysis of the box fluctuations in the constant pressure ensemble with variable box shape (N-P-T) and (ii) by the free-energy differentiation with respect to deformation in the fixed box ensemble (N-V-T). Very good agreement is observed for the extrapolated to the infinitely large system limit results of both the methods. The coefficients of the leading singularities of the elastic constants near close packing are estimated; they are well described by the free volume approximation. Two mechanisms influencing the Poisson ratio are studied. (i) It is shown that at high densities particle motions decrease the Poisson ratio with respect to the static case which corresponds to zero temperature. Simulations performed for systems of soft spheres, interacting through n-inverse-power potentials, r-n, show that the elastic constants of the hard spheres can be obtained in the limit n-->infinity. When T-->0 the elastic constants of the soft spheres tend to those of the static model. (ii) It is also shown that vacancies decrease C11 and C44 and increase C12 and, hence, increase the Poisson ratio with respect to the defect-free state of the system.

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