
Exotic poisonous animals such as snakes, marine animals, spiders, and scorpions are ararity in Central Europe, but are kept as pets by some people. Poisoning caused by these animals is aparticular challenge in medical care.Over aperiod of sixyears (2001-2006), atotal of 202 cases of poisoning with exotic animals were registered and evaluated at fourpoison information centers in Germany and France. Of the accidents, 91% happened in the home environment; the rest in pet stores. The poisonings were caused by snakes (38%), marine animals (31%), arthropods (spiders and scorpions, 27%), and other poisonous animals (4%). Severe poisoning was involved in 8% of the cases, all caused by snake bites. The severe poisonings were in the form of coagulopathies, severe local symptoms, and arespiratory insufficiency requiring intubation. In sixcases of severe poisoning, an immune serum (antivenom) was administered and in threecases asurgical procedure was needed. Deaths did not occur.After the bite of apoisonous animal, the affected limb should usually be immobilized and disinfected, but not tied, cut, or sucked. The exact biological name of the species should be identified. In addition to hospitalization, it is recommended to consult apoison information center.

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