
In this paper we are interested in pointwise regularity of solutions to elliptic equations. In a first result, we prove that if the modulus of mean oscillation of Δu at the origin is Dini (in L p average), then the origin is a Lebesgue point of continuity (still in L p average) for the second derivatives D 2 u. We extend this pointwise regularity result to the obstacle problem for the Laplace equation with Dini right hand side at the origin. Under these assumptions, we prove that the solution to the obstacle problem has a Taylor expansion up to the order 2 (in the L p average). Moreover we get a quantitative estimate of the error in this Taylor expansion for regular points of the free boundary. In the case where the right hand side is moreover double Dini at the origin, we also get a quantitative estimate of the error for singular points of the free boundary.Our method of proof is based on some decay estimates obtained by contradiction, using blow-up arguments and Liouville Theorems. In the case of singular points, our method uses moreover a refined monotonicity formula.

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