
Erin Dolan and Kimberly Tanner . . . 35Note from the EditorsCBE is pleased to present ‘‘Points of View,’’ a series designed toaddress issues faced by many people within the life scienceseducational realm. We present several differing points of view back-to-back on a given topic to promote discussion of the topic. Readersare encouraged to participate in the online discussion forum hostedby Cell Biology Education at www.cellbioed.org/discussion/public/main.cfm. We hope op-ed pieces on Points of View willstimulate thought and dialogue on significant educational issues.In this issue, we address the question ‘‘How do we constructeffective partnerships between K-12 education and higher educa-tion?’’ K-12 educators and college/university faculty share manyinterests, and need to work together to ensure effective teachereducation and that curricula are articulated. Yet, we work indifferent settings; some would say different cultures. In PointsView, we examine the needs and the responsibilities of ourinstitutions of higher education to support K-12 science education,and examine how we can build interactions that recognize thestrengths and help remedy the weaknesses of each partner.The points of view we present in this issue provide a number ofresponses to those questions. We invite you to share your ideas,experiences and insights on the discussion board.

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