
The significance of choosing optimal locations for emergency facilities is emphasized both in natural disasters and public health emergencies like pandemics. To ensure effective management of emergency logistics, procurement, and distribution, it is crucial to consider the establishment of facilities such as Points-of-Dispensing (PODs) that facilitate fast and efficient distribution. Consequently, when deciding on the location of logistics warehouses as part of emergency logistics management, it is essential to take into account the positioning of temporary facilities like PODs. We propose an integer programming model that integrates the Maximal Covering Location Problem (MCLP) and includes capacity constraints. Additionally, we conducted a case study in Incheon Metropolitan City to compare the outcomes. Through this case analysis, we present the optimal subset of temporary logistics warehouses, enabling the development of an optimal location-distribution plan. The study holds three main implications: (1) it provides an optimized selection of locations that aids in the decision-making process for policies; (2) the empirical analysis using real data allows for its application in similar disaster management situations; (3) the proposed model can be utilized to determine the positioning of various public facilities

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