
Actions of semisimple Hopf algebras H over an algebraically closed field of characteristic zero on commutative domains were classified recently by the authors in [18]. The answer turns out to be very simple–if the action is inner faithful, then H has to be a group algebra. The present article contributes to the non-semisimple case, which is much more complicated. Namely, we study actions of finite dimensional (not necessarily semisimple) Hopf algebras on commutative domains, particularly when H is pointed of finite Cartan type. The work begins by reducing to the case where H acts inner faithfully on a field; such a Hopf algebra is referred to as Galois-theoretical. We present examples of such Hopf algebras, which include the Taft algebras, uq( $$ \mathbf{\mathfrak{s}}\mathfrak{l} $$ 2), and some Drinfeld twists of other small quantum groups. We also give many examples of finite dimensional Hopf algebras which are not Galois-theoretical. Classification results on finite dimensional pointed Galois-theoretical Hopf algebras of finite Cartan type will be provided in the sequel, Part II, of this study.

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