
This report represents Prudential Real Estate Investors' study on the size of the global institutional-grade commercial real estate (CRE) market. We estimate the value of CRE markets, not only at the present time but over the next 10-year and 20-year periods. Our analysis is done by country, but we also sort the data into regions and blocs of developed and developing countries. The goal is to understand the relative size of markets and where growth is likely to come from in the future. We also group the countries into risk blocs based on region and developed/developing status as defined by the World Bank. The United States/Canada is developed, while all countries in Latin America and the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) are developing. Developed Europe encompasses Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom, while the rest of Europe is developing. Developed Asia-Pacific encompasses Australia, Hong Kong, Japan, South Korea, New Zealand, Singapore, and Taiwan, while all other Asia-Pacific nations are developing.

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