
Bract edge burn (BEB) is a serious commercial problem, and a cooperative trial with six cultivars was conducted at the above research locations and in commercial greenhouses in the respective areas. `Success' and `21-91' had less BEB than `Celebrate 2', `V-14 Glory', or `Supjibi'. BEB symptoms increased with time during postproduction. Number of bracts with BEB spots on `V-14 Glory' at boxing, unboxing, 7 and 14 days were 1, 3, 6, and 10, respectively. Weekly Ca sprays (400 ppm at start of color) reduced or prevented BEB in the greenhouse at all locations where BEB developed and reduced the development in BEB during postproduction. BEB increased with fertilizer level and was higher in plants with elevated potassium or ammonium. These effects were reversed by Ca sprays. BEB was increased by boxing wet plants or inoculating plants with Botrytis. BEB was reduced by boxing dry plants, fungicide treatment, or terminating fertilization. BEB symptoms for different cultivars will be presented.

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