
This paper considers the rich vein of less formal, mostly unofficial poetry, re- ferred to as folk poetry and poetry in action, composed by bards and rhymesters in Wales, c. 1870-2005, and inspired particularly by everyday events and incidents within their own communities. In discussing the nature of this folk poetry, seven factors are mentioned. i. It is a social activity. ii. It is an activity which belongs to all people. iii. It may relate to all aspects of life. iv. Its forms are very numerous and non-static. v. It is, in essence, an oral activity. vi. It communicates messages in a direct and colourful manner, with the emphasis on narration and communication. vii. Folk poetry is functional, applied poetry. The paper concludes by offering brief answers to two questions: i. What is the value of folk poetry activity to members of the community? ii. What is the value to the ethnologist of studying folk poetry?

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