
PrefaceAcknowledgmentsPaving the WayI. Poethics: Toward a Literary Jurisprudence1. Filling the void2. The Poetic Method for Law, or How the Law Means3. Narrative Aspects of Judicial Opinions4. Poetic Substance: The Poethics of Legal NarrativeLegalistic StorytellersII. Let's Not Kill All the Lawyers: Anglo-American Fiction's Equivocal Approach to the Lawyer FIgure5. The Literary Lawyer's Six Compelling Traits6. I'll have no feelings here!: More on Mr. Jaggers7. Law's Oppression of the Feminine Other: Mr. Tulkinghorn v. Lady Dedlock8. John Barth's Todd Andrews: Inductive Reasoning, Relative Values9. Gavin Stevens' Quest for Silence: Faulkner's Developing Lawyer FigureIII. Christianity's Ends10. Then you shall be his surety: Oaths and Mediating Breaches in The Merchant of Venice11. Accepting the Inside Narrator's Challenge: More on the Christ Figure in Billy Budd, SailorIV. The Self-Imploding Canon12. Law, Literature and the Great BooksLegal Rhetoric, or the Stories Lawyers TellV. Lawtalk in France: The Challenge to Democracy13. Avoiding Central Realities: Narrative Terror and the Failure of French Culture Under the Occupation14. Legal Rhetoric Under Stress: The Example of VichyVI. Lawtalk in America15. Thoughts on Judge Richard Posner's Literary Performance16. From Jefferson to the Gulf War: How Lawyers Have Lost Their Golden Tongue17. Notes on Three Works by James Boyd WhiteNotes (1974) on The Legal ImaginationNotes (1987) on Heracles' BowNotes (1991) on Justice as TranslationConclusionNotesIndex

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