
Sanborn, P., Lamontagne, L. and Hendershot, W. 2011. Podzolic soils of Canada : Genesis, distribution, and classification. Can. J. Soil Sci. 91: 843-880. Podzolic soils occupy 14.3% of the Canadian landmass, and occur in two widely separated areas, eastern Canada (northern Ontario, Quebec, Maritimes) and British Columbia, usually under coniferous forest and on non-calcareous parent materials. Broad climatic control of Podzol distribution and properties is evident at the national scale, with higher organic matter concentrations (Ferro-Humic Podzols) in wetter climates, in contrast to Humo-Ferric Podzols predominating in drier boreal forest regions. Humic Podzols are least abundant and are restricted to the wettest landscape positions. International and Canadian research suggests that a more diverse range of processes is involved in podzolization than was envisioned in the 1960s, and proposed mechanisms must account for observed patterns of organic matter distribution and a diverse array of inorganic amorph...

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