
AbstractThe Podzol has been elected “Soil of the year 2007” in Germany. This article reviews the present knowledge on the development, functions, and threats of Podzols. The main theories on mobilization and transport of organic matter, Fe, Al, and Si are (1) metal‐organic migration, (2) metal reduction, and (3) inorganic sol migration. Immobilization theories include precipitation or polymerization due to increasing pH/abundance of base cations with depth, mechanical filtering in soil pores, oxidation of metal‐organic complexes, biodegradation of the organic part, decreasing C‐to‐metal ratios during translocation, adsorption to soil particles, and flocculation at the point of zero charge. Podzolization is discussed also on the catena scale, where vertical and lateral translocation processes (across pedon boundaries) need to be considered to understand Podzol patterns in landscapes. Chronosequence studies show that incipient podzolization usually becomes visible between 100 and 500 y and mature Podzols develop in 1,000–6,000 y. The occurrence of Podzols worldwide is concentrated mainly on the boreal zone and mountain regions within the humid temperate zone. Smaller Podzol areas are found in some perhumid tropical and subtropical regions. In Germany, Podzols occur in the Alps, in the glaciofluvial valleys and heathlands of N Germany, and in the mountain ranges. They fulfil several ecological functions, especially for groundwater recharge. Main threats for these mostly sandy soils are wind erosion and surface mining of sand. Two pedons which were chosen to represent the “Soil of the year 2007” are presented. Finally, some conclusions about podzolization processes are drawn, which may explain the diverse observations reported in the literature.

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