
The man desires to understand the surrounding world. One of the crucial question asked by mankind concerns the beginning of the universe. In this article have been shown the consequences of meeting Christian doctrine which is about creating the world with the idea of contemporary physics which explains space revolution as the beginning of the world. The Christian metaphysics provides satisfactory answers for two essential questions: about the beginning of the world and about the source of order and harmony inside the world. As far as the first issue is concerned, we can say both about the time of the creating the world and about perennial existence of the world. In the second issue the rationality of God the Creator justifies the rationality of creating the world. So this Christian doctrine of the creating the world faces with mathematical and empirical method of study the world, which this method tries to describe the examined episode of the world using suitable mathematical structures. The problem of initial singularity that appeared at the beginning of the 20th century in cosmology it became the source of lively discussion among scientists and philosophers and theologians. The question how can we link cosmological data with the theological concept of creation was the crucial background in this discussion. Another word, the debate began with the question whether the initial singularity prove the creation of the world and existing God as well or on the contrary, it may constitutes argument for His non-existence. This way of thinking caused to back to English scientists (called themselves “natural philosophers” or “virtuosi”) arguments from the 17th century. They desired to prove that God exists according to the lack of human’s nature knowledge, that was later called „God of the gaps”. As has been shown the issue of initial singularity is as area of unfinished research. The problem of initial singularity is neutral with regard to the doctrine of creation the world because singularity is a factor of some mathematics structure, where solutions of equations that describe cosmological model lose meaning. In connection with that we can claim that identification initial singularity with theological concept of creating the world became like kind of material used for building the argument: „God of the gaps” that according to theologians and scientists it is judged negative.

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