
Although the question about how far the analogy is going between the computer and the brain is subject to a heated discussion opened by Turing, most of the statements lead us to the opinion expressed by George that the laws studied by cybernetics “concern to an equal degree both the not living and the living systems.” However, if the leading cybernetic law is singled out, the expedient self-regulation (not including into this concept “expedience”, anything more than adaptivity of behavior) and raise the question “whether it exists in living nature,” it becomes clear that cybernetics deals with the category of phenomenon, which appeared together with life. The analysis of the regulating processes in animate and inanimate nature shows that cybernetics studies laws, which appeared with the beginning of life. Still, the models of logical activity of the brain, based on the formal logic of the nervous nets don't reflect the main property of the living systems, their changeability and adaptability. It was supposed on the ground of morphological and physiogical facts that these properties are caused by the probability of distribution of activity in ensembles of neurons and by the statistical result of their interaction. Some facts are given about evolutionary, increasing arhythmia and decreasing synchronization of the impulses as the result of the increase in number of interneuronic connections, and about cytochemical manifestations of two types of neuronic organization, homogeneous and mosaic.

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