
Atrial fibrillation (AF) occurs frequently in patients with hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy (HOCM) and the success rate of pulmonary vein isolation in these patients is less effective compared to other populations. This may be explained by the presence of an extensive arrhythmogenic substrate in both atria due to a primary atrial myopathy, but electrophysiological properties of the right (RA) and left atrium (LA) have never been investigated. The aim of this study is to 1) quantify atrial electrophysiological properties during sinus rhythm and 2) to determine whether atrial electrogram morphology and conduction disorders differ between the RA and LA in patients with HOCM. Intra-operative epicardial mapping of both atria was performed in HOCM patients undergoing surgical myectomy. Conduction delay and/or block (CD, CB), unipolar electrograms characteristics (unipolar voltages, potential fractionation) and low voltage areas (LVA) were quantified during sinus rhythm. Fifteen patients (mean age: 50± 12 years) were included. Conduction disorders were found in both atria in all patients, but did not differ between the RA and LA (CD: 2.9 [1.9-3.6] % versus 2.6 [2.1-6.4] %, p=0.541; CB: 1.7 [0.9-3.1] % versus 1.5 [0.5-2.8] %, p=0.600; respectively). Though unipolar voltages histograms differed significantly between the RA and LA (Table 1), LVA were equally present in both RA and LA (RA: 4.7 % [1.6-7.7] % versus LA: 2.9 % [2.1-7.1] %, p=0.793). The magnitude of unipolar voltages of single- and complex fractionated potentials (SP, CFP) were higher in the LA compared to the RA (SP: P75 10.9 mV versus 7.3 mV, respectively; CFP: P75 3.7 mV versus 2.0 mV, respectively).(Table 1) CFP corresponded to LVA in only 18% of all LA sites compared to 36% of all RA sites. In patients with HOCM, the magnitude of unipolar voltages is considerably higher in the LA compared to the RA. Remarkably, fractionated potentials in both atria mainly contained high voltage deflections. Therefore, substrate modification strategies, consisting of low voltage or other electrogram morphology guided AF ablation strategies, should be disease-tailored in this population. The observed equal amount of conduction disorders and LVA in both atria support the concept of a primary atrial myopathy with a bi-atrial substrate in HOCM patients.

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