
The cardiac effects of hypothermia have been studied for many years since the initial discovery of the electrocardiographic J-wave in a case of accidental hypothermia. However, the precise mechanisms underlying the origin of the hypothermic J-wave and associated arrhythmias in man are still debated. A limited number of ex vivo animal studies have focused on the transmural repolarization dispersion, but do not provide global mapping of ventricular activation and repolarization heterogeneities. To map hypothermia-induced electrophysiological changes at a tissue level and study the mechanisms of initiation and maintenance of arrhythmias. Optical mapping experiments were performed on isolated right ventricles (RV) from pigs (N=7) and humans obtained through our organ donation program (N=3 control subjects; N=1 SCN5A BrS-associated mutant subject). Epi- and endocardial (EPI and ENDO) action potential conduction and repolarization properties were assessed at different pacing frequencies and arrhythmias were mapped and quantified at baseline (37°C), during severe hypothermia (29°C), and after a return to normothermia. Hypothermia induced a reversible prolongation of global action potential duration at 80% of repolarization (APD80) in pigs (EPI: +27%, ENDO: +21%; p<0.01) and humans (+45% in both EPI and ENDO), an increase in APD80 dispersion, and steepness of APD restitution curve. Repolarization time dispersion was increased in both species (pigs: +94%, p<0.001 in EPI and +79%, p<0.05 in ENDO; humans: +97% in EPI and +14% in ENDO). The total activation time was significantly prolonged in pigs (EPI: +58%, p<0.001; ENDO: +46%, p<0.01) but not in humans. Arrhythmogenicity was further increased in human ventricles (+43% of spontaneous arrhythmias in pigs versus +100% in humans), which always displayed defibrillation-resistant arrhythmias. In the carrier of a SCN5A mutant, hypothermia additionally potentiated epicardial localized conductive disorders already detected at baseline. Our results indicate that, in humans, and contrary to pigs, the hypothermic J-wave and associated arrhythmogenesis result more from an exacerbation of repolarization rather than conduction heterogeneity. Pre-existing localized conduction heterogeneities within pathological hearts can however contribute to the J-wave phenotype during hypothermia.

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