
Immunosuppressants and immunomodulators are designed to regulate excessive immune response responsible for inflammatory lesions and are prescribed more and more in internal medicine. These drugs are known for their efficiency but with a significant toxicity including interstitial lung disease (ILD). Some factors liable to pulmonary toxicity include advanced age, genetic polymorphism and the existence of prior pulmonary disease. Cytotoxicity and hypersensitivity are the main mechanisms of pulmonary toxicity. There is no universal classification of drug induced-lung disease. Theoretically, drugs may be responsible for all histological aspects of ILD. Methotrexate is the most well-known drug as a provider of ILD with a prevalence of 0.3 to 11.6%. Some cases of ILD have also been reported with the new biologics used in systemic diseases. The diagnostic approach to the suspicion of drug ILD is to eliminate non-medicinal causes of pneumonia including infections and tumors before exploring the clinical symptomatology and the results of imaging and bronchoalveolar lavage cell profile. The analysis of the clinical symptomatology check the compatibility of the chronology of clinical and/or radiological pneumonia with the medication suspected. Subsequently, data from the clinical case are compared with those of the literature. Treatment involves stopping the suspected drug. The use of corticosteroids may be required in case of signs of severity or a lingering evolution.

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