
Pneumocystis pneumonia (PCP) is a challenging disease faced in immunodeficiency diseases. PCP became important when human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) epidemic in the world. Due to the increasing prevalence of the disease, especially people with acquired immunodeficiency disease (AIDs), here, we report a patient with AIDs and PCP. A 42-year-old woman living in a care center has been presented with a 2-month history of fever, chills, rough cough, and 6 kg weight loss. She was admitted to our hospital due to nonresponse to the outpatient treatments. The result of smear and staining was positive for PCP and patient was treated with trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole. After 1 week, respiratory symptoms and fever has been getting better. No specific cause was determined for pancytopenia and for the second time viral markers was tested, and HIV mix reactive by Eliza was positive this time. Hence, she has been introduced to the health center to get treatment. Negative HIV test does not rule out the disease. In patients with long-term respiratory infections with leukopenia and failure to respond to common antibiotics, checking PCP is needed.

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