
Article1 February 1934PNEUMOCOCCIC MENINGITIS: RECOVERY WITH FELTON'S SERUMWILLIAM S. REVENO, M.D., NELSON MCLAUGHLIN, M.D.WILLIAM S. REVENO, M.D.Search for more papers by this author, NELSON MCLAUGHLIN, M.D.Search for more papers by this authorAuthor, Article, and Disclosure Informationhttps://doi.org/10.7326/0003-4819-7-8-1026 SectionsAboutPDF ToolsAdd to favoritesDownload CitationsTrack CitationsPermissions ShareFacebookTwitterLinkedInRedditEmail ExcerptPneumococcic meningitis is generally considered as offering little or no hope of recovery. The evidence in this respect presented by Kolmer,1 by Schottmüller and by many others, is anything but encouraging to the physician called upon to treat this fulminating disease.A slowly growing list of recoveries is, however, being gradually recorded, and, while the number is still pitifully small, it constitutes concrete evidence that a totally pessimistic attitude is unwarranted. The successful results have been obtained through a variety of therapeutic procedures, namely: (1) intrathecal and intravenous serum injections; (2) repeated lumbar and cisternal punctures, alone or combined; (3)...Bibliography1. KENNEDY WRQuoted by : Pneumococcic meningitis, Canadian Med. Assoc. Jr., 1928, xix, 336-339. Google Scholar2. ROBERTSON OH: Two cases of meningitis due to pneumococcus Type III, Med. Clin. N. Am., 1929, xiii, 375-380. Google Scholar3. HARKAVY J: Pneumococcus meningitis; recovery with serum therapy, Jr. Am. Med. Assoc., 1928, xc, 597-599. CrossrefGoogle Scholar4. ROHRBACH HO: Pneumococcic meningitis with recovery, Penna. Med. Jr., 1929, xxxii, 646-647. Google Scholar5. CARBONELLCOOK Quoted by .14 Google Scholar6. APFEL H: Pneumococcic meningitis treated with Pregl's solution; recovery; report of case, Arch. Pediat., 1929, xlvi, 516-520. Google Scholar7. LYNCH LJ: Pneumococcus meningitis with recovery, New Eng. Jr. Med., 1930, cciii, 256-257. CrossrefGoogle Scholar8. SIMPSON AS: Case of pneumococcal meningitis, with complete recovery following serum treatment, Lancet, 1927, i, 390-391. CrossrefGoogle Scholar9. SHULLER EH: Pneumococcic meningitis; case report, with one recovery, Jr. Oklahoma State Med. Assoc., 1932, xxv, 137-140. Google Scholar10. CROFT CR: Case of pneumococcal meningitis, with recovery, Lancet, 1928, ii, 700-701. CrossrefGoogle Scholar11. UHR JS: Pneumococcus meningitis; report of case in new-born infant, with recovery, Arch. Pediat., 1929, xlvi, 121-123. Google Scholar12. GLOBUSKASANIN JHJI: Pneumococcus (Type IV) meningitis; report of case treated by forced subarachnoid drainage, with recovery, Jr. Am. Med. Assoc., 1928, xc, 599-601. CrossrefGoogle Scholar13. AMESSE JW: Pneumococcic meningitis; report of case with recovery, Colorado Med., 1931, xxviii, 361-362. Google Scholar14. CARBONELLCOOK AEL: Pneumococcus meningitis; report of a case treated with ethylhydrocuprein and Huntoon's antibody solution, with recovery, Mil. Surg., 1928, lxiii, 718-723. Google Scholar15. CARBONELLCOOK Quoted by .14 Google Scholar16. WEINBERG MH: Case of pneumococcus (Type III) meningitis treated with potassium permanganate—recovery; plea for its trial, Jr. Nerv. and Ment. Dis., 1931, lxxiv, 38-45. CrossrefGoogle Scholar17. STEWART FW: Local specific therapy of experimental pneumococcal meningitis; incidental myelitis, abscess, and organization of exudates, Jr. Exper. Med., 1928, xlvii, 1-7. CrossrefGoogle Scholar18. KOLMER JA: Newer methods for prophylaxis and treatment of meningitis with special reference to streptococcus and pneumococcus meningitis, Laryngoscope, 1932, xlii, 12-33. Google Scholar19. FARLEYST. CLAIRREISINGER DLHJA: Normal filament and nonfilament polymorphonuclear neutrophile count; its practical value as diagnostic aid, Am. Jr. Med. Sci., 1930, clxxx, 336-344. MULLIN, W. V., and LARGE, G. C.: Filament-nonfilament count; its diagnostic and prognostic value, Jr. Am. Med. Assoc., 1931, xcvii, 1133-1139. REVENO, W. S., and BERENT, M. S.: Routine use of filament-nonfilament count, Jr. Mich. State Med. Soc., 1932, xxxi, 443-449. CrossrefGoogle Scholar This content is PDF only. To continue reading please click on the PDF icon. Author, Article, and Disclosure InformationAffiliations: Detroit, Michigan*Received for publication May 18, 1933.From the Highland Park General Hospital, Highland Park, Michigan.Stock Felton's antipneumococcic serum furnished through the courtesy of Parke, Davis and Co. PreviousarticleNextarticle Advertisement FiguresReferencesRelatedDetails Metrics Cited byDie Pneumonien 1 February 1934Volume 7, Issue 8Page: 1026-1032KeywordsMeningitis Issue Published: 1 February 1934 PDF downloadLoading ...

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