
Budget impact analysis of switching Pramipexole Immediate Release (IR) to Pramipexole Extended Release (ER) in treatment of Parkinson’s Disease in the Turkish health care setting from a Social Security Institution’s (SSI) perspective. Based upon a literature review demonstrating that, Pramipexole ER is similar to Pramipexole IR in efficacy and safety in treatment of Parkinson’s Disease (non-inferiority), budget impact analyses were performed using Microsoft Excel (2007). The switch from IR to ER was analyzed for the following formulations 0.75MG /1.50MG /3.00MG /4.50MG per day and patient. The daily pill burden per patient was reduced from 3 to 1 and 6 to 1 for 0,75MG /1,5MG /3,0MG and 4,5MG respectively. The total annual treatment cost per patient was reduced by 2.91%, 6.25%, 1.74% and 3.30% for 0.75MG, 1.50MG, 3.00MG and 4.50MG respectively. The findings of this study indicate that, switching Parkinson’s Patients from Pramipexole IR to ER will not result in an additional budget impact for the Turkish health care system from a SSI perspective. However, further research needs to be conducted in order to explore the potential implications of compliance benefits and if they can be translated into long-term savings. No local effectiveness data was available at the time this analysis was performed. Potential benefits in patients’ adherence were not considered.

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