
The National Department of Health, in March 2015, launched the implementation of Rationalisation of Register, aimed at reducing the amount of time invested in completing the registers and collecting data. Therefore, the number of registers used in the South African healthcare facilities was reduced from 56 to 6. This study explored the effect of the rollout of Rationalisation of Register on the documentation and reporting of Prevention of Mother-to-Child Transmission (PMTCT) programme data with the existing source documents during the transitional period, especially with routine data collected and reported at various health care system levels. A mixed-method research approach was used, and three source documents, namely: Tally sheet, Antenatal care (ANC) register, and Tick register used for collecting and reporting PMTCT data, were reviewed. An in-depth interview was conducted with healthcare workers in four sub-districts of the Amathole district, Eastern Cape province of South Africa. All selected facilities completed the three source documents. The facilities consolidated their PMTCT data monthly before reporting to the District Health Information System (DHIS). Less than half of the facilities had already started using the rationalised registers. However, they did not transition entirely because they still use other registers, especially the ANC register. Reasons for not displaying facility performance include clinicians not properly completing the clients' information, and a shortage of staff to collect, report, and analyse data. PMTCT data management and reporting were challenging during the transitioning phase of implementing the rationalised registers because of different timelines instituted in the facilities and non-availability of source documents in some facilities. Capacity of the clinic staff involved in data collection should be built on programme care pathways, data monitoring, data capturing into the Routine Health Information System and complemented with coaching, mentoring, and supportive supervision for improved programme outputs and outcomes.

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